Choose Masters to follow and click ‘Set up copying’ to replicate their trades. Adjust deposit percentage to manage your portfolio and explore various strategies to find what works best for you.
Examine the Master Trader’s stats firstly. It includes risk score, gain, profit and loss, number of copiers, commission, orders history, and other statistical data to help you make an informed decision. To start copying, fund your account.
When you subscribe to the Master Trader, you specify the copying proportion and decide whether to add support funds. When you press Start copying, the funds are debited from your Wallet, and the copying starts. You can subscribe to an unlimited number of Master Traders simultaneously.
The service fee is included in the spread as a markup of 0.2 pips. The Master Trader's commission is the amount you pay for the Master Trader's services—it is predetermined and specified individually. Each Master Trader's stats display the commission size.
You can unsubscribe from the Master Trader and stop copying the orders at any moment. When you unsubscribe, all funds invested with the Master Trader and your profit from copying are credited to your Wallet.
You can withdraw funds from your Wallet. End your subscription to the Master Trader to transfer your investments and profit there. Note that you won’t receive your original investment back if you end your subscription to the Master Trader with a loss. The amount of loss will be subtracted from your initial investment.